What a great time to live in Atlanta! Just recently, Atlanta has been ranked the #1 Best College City, #2 Best Tech Hub That’s Still Affordable, and the 4th largest tech entrepreneurial hub in the United States. The RAD Firm takes tremendous pride in calling Atlanta home and in being able to assist many of the exciting entrepreneurs and startups that also call the city home.

The initial decision making process undertaken by these new ventures can have long lasting consequences and serve to setup the trajectory of the business for years to come. Accordingly, it is imperative that proper weight and expertise be given to issues such as financing and investors, proper entity formation, intellectual property, regulatory compliance, business permits/licenses, and a host of other significant considerations. The RAD Firm can effectively assist with these important issues so that the creatives are able to focus their attention and efforts on the product or service that underpins their business. Whether you have a game changing product, a revolutionary idea, or just a more efficient method to traditional business, let The RAD Firm help take your concept from the drawing board to reality. We can give your business the competitive edge and expertise its needs for a successful launch.