All employers who have workers performing on company premises should take considerate steps to ensure proper workplace safety. Failure to do so can lead to costly, time consuming litigation. The RAD Firm provides you with practical guidance to enable you to develop and maintain effective workplace safety and health management programs.

Prevention, Preparedness, and Enforcement

A well developed safety and health management program can go a long way towards saving your company unnecessary legal challenges. It can also provide your company with a sound defense should such a claim arise. The RAD Firm can assist you in developing such a program by taking a top-down approach to how you address workplace safety. We will help you create self-auditing protocols, provide training for your managerial staff, conduct proper recordkeeping, and integrate your safety program with existing employment policies and procedures. Additionally, we can assist in identifying areas of vulnerability, defining managerial roles, creating emergency response procedures, implementing substance abuse testing and prevention programs, and creating policies and procedures addressing violence in the workplace. These steps will greatly minimize risk of legal action taken against your company and ensure that you are in compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) regulations. However, should an OSHA complaint be lodged against you, The RAD Firm will help you evaluate your position and minimize your exposure to fines or other penalties.