The laws that govern your business operations are constantly in flux as they attempt to keep up with the fast evolving technology underpinning your business. Therefore, it pays dividends to have experienced legal counsel by your side. For businesses that want legal assistance at the ready, outsourced general counsel is a terrific, cost-effective option.

At The RAD Firm, we provide our guidance and expertise to help clients fulfill their unique needs and achieve their objectives. Clients who utilize our Outsourced General Counsel Services are able to rest easy knowing that they have experienced legal counsel that they can count on when it comes to the day-to-day operations of their business. This type of arrangement is extremely popular in today’s modern work environment, and having consistent legal counsel allows our clients to focus their time and energy on growing their enterprise. With The RAD Firm by your side, you can accomplish your business goals while knowing that your routine legal needs will be met.

Through this ongoing arrangement, The RAD Firm can effectively handle most of your company’s legal needs, including financial transaction oversight, strategic planning, corporate governance, employment matters, regulatory compliance, general risk management, and contract drafting, review, and negotiating. Moreover, should your business encounter a situation that falls outside the scope of Outsourced General Counsel, such as potential litigation, it pays to have a lawyer who is intimately familiar with your business operations and is dedicated to its success. The RAD Firm stands ready to assist your business with all of its legal needs so that you can focus on growing and achieving your business initiatives.